Anyone working for the church and seeking to do effective mission in today’s culture (clergy, lay leaders, youth leaders, parish administrators, judicatory heads and staffs).
Why does it matter?
Today’s culture which is ‘post-post modern,’ is defined by two twin constellations: networked/social/new media and production/consumption/consumerism. Understanding the gravitational oscellation (pulls and pushes) of these realities and the juxtapostion and interplay between them are key to engaging mission in this culture, and especially with emerging generations for whom this culture is native.
What will I learn?
You will gain a working knowledge of the major systems, players and applications in new/social/networked media, and how you can utilize them to enhance the effectiveness and broaden the reach of your ministries.
What should I bring?
Yourself, your laptop computer, your sac lunch (or you can go out for lunch) and others from your congregation or church staff so the knowledge and learning benefit to your church is multiplied beyond you alone.